Sitting beside a tall pine tree at breakfast this morning, I couldn’t help but look at it because of its peace and solidity. This tree has been standing here for many years, I noticed the leaves close to the bottom have turned yellow due to the lack of sun light, but the leaves on the top are shining with bright green color, happily dancing with the wind. There is a big contrast between the yellow on the bottom and the green at the top, I realized the death of the leaves on the bottom is to allow life to happen at the top.
Within the pine tree, I realized life and death are interdependent of each other; without death, there is no life.
I noticed a few giant spider webs sitting close to the top of the pine tree. As I looked closer, I even see spider eggs and spider babies on the web! If an insect flies by and gets caught by the web, the death of this insect will nourish the life of the spider mommy and spider babies.
Within the spider web, I see life and death; they are interdependent of each other; without death, there is no life.
Seeing the pine tree standing solidly on the ground. Thanks to the pine tree, the soil becomes intact; because of the soil, the pine tree can stand tall. Without the soil, the pine tree cannot stand; without the pine tree, the soil becomes loose.
The soil and the pine tree depend on each other, no one is more important than the other; they are just as important.
Because of the sun, the leaves of the pine tree turn shining green, and because of the pine tree, the temperature becomes nice and cool. Without the sun, the leaves would not be so healthy; without the leaves, the sun becomes harmful to the mother earth.
The sun and the pine tree depend on each other, no one is more important than the other; they are just as important.
The pine tree needs carbon dioxide to maintain its life, while the other life forms needs oxygen to stay healthy. To the other life forms, carbon dioxide is death, but to the pine tree, it is life.
Within the air I see life and death; they are interdependent of each other; without death, there is no life.
I realized, without death, there is no life; and when there is life, there is death. Life and death are interdependent of each other; they are both as important, we cannot have one without the other.
The pine tree was telling me, “I am dying every moment, but I am also being reborn every moment. Death is not the end, it’s only half of the story.” If we only see death, we become afraid, it’s just because we are not able to see the whole story. Death is only half of the story, without death, there is no life, and we cannot have one without another.
When you see the end of something, you do not need to weep, because this is only half of the story. Come back to your breathing, slowly you will be able to see this is the beginning of a new page.
Thank you for the lesson given by the pine tree this morning. May we practice diligently and may our practice becomes our protection in life.